
Transitioning to College

Welcome to 美高梅 Office for 学生 with Disabilities (OSD)! 除了 对于所有进入大学的学生面临的普遍挑战,残疾学生 过渡到大学需要意识到他们的权利和责任的变化 and the procedures to receive disability services.

What are some things you need to consider?

文凭选择:通常需要一个标准的文凭才能获得学位 美高梅招收学生,虽然学生可能有一些临时身份 without a standard diploma. OSD speaks to prospective 学生 as well as current 学生. Call us early with questions. High School 学生 are encouraged to plan 之前.

残疾证明文件:为了确定获得便利的资格, 学生必须提供有重大影响的残疾的最新文件 他/她的主要生活功能,如学习,阅读,视觉,听觉,行走, 等. 在大多数情况下,个性化教育计划没有足够的文件; OSD may require current evidence or testing from a qualified diagnostician.

有关残疾学生需要了解的关于变性的更多信息 to college, review the following information: 准备接受高等教育的残疾学生:了解你的权利 和责任


寻求住宿的学生需要提供最近的文件 an appropriate health care provider or professional. If documentation is incomplete, 或在其他方面不足以确定残疾和/或合理的便利, 残疾学生办公室可能需要额外的文件.

为了有资格获得残疾相关服务,学生必须有残疾证明 根据1973年《澳门美高梅网上赌场官网》第504条和/或美国人的定义 with Disabilities Act of 1990/2008. A person with a disability is an individual with 严重限制一项或多项主要生活活动的身体或精神损伤 (i.e. seeing, walking, talking); or has a record of such an impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment.

This definition includes, but is not limited to

  • Persons with mobility impairments
  • Persons with learning disabilities
  • Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Persons who are blind or have low vision
  • Persons with one or many serious contagious and non-contagious
    diseases, including AIDS, epilepsy, cancer and tuberculosis
  • Persons with psychological disorders


资格程序的第一步是提交适当的文件 disability to the Office for 学生 with Disabilities (OSD). The College must ensure 这个学生是一个有残疾的人,我们可以提供一个理由 for reasonable accommodations. Your OSD advisor will meet with you to discuss how your disability impacts your learning and how we can assist. Typically, documentation 也是必需的.

OSD Registration Process

为了向学院申请住宿,学生必须填写住宿申请表 残疾学生办公室的注册流程如下:

  • 与OSD顾问会面,通过预约或步行,讨论您的情况. 在大多数情况下,建议您提前发送文件,以便我们可以 回顾它. Be sure to explain to your advisor how your disability impacts you and what accommodations you are requesting.
  • 提供适当的残疾证明文件 要求.
  • Complete the OSD Intake Canvas Course. 
  • 与OSD顾问会面,讨论并确定合理的批准住宿. 

直到注册过程的所有步骤已经完成,学生将 被OSD视为待定,将没有资格获得服务或住宿. Incomplete files will be kept for one term and then destroyed. The student may, however, begin the 过程 again at any time.