的指导方针 & 提交



Reading of submissions for each year's 凤凰城 will begin immediately after the deadline. Any entries received after midnight on the day of the deadline will be held for consideration for the NEXT ISSUE but will NOT be read until the following year! 艺术类参赛作品 projects are still being accepted through the end of each the f所有 term.

Winning entries for the current issue will be selected from submissions received BEFORE their respective deadlines and will be announced on this site in January. 没有通知 letters will be sent; winners are responsible for checking the notification list and 领取奖品.

的最后期限 文学 报名日期为十月的第三个星期五.
的最后期限 艺术 entries is the LAST FRIDAY of FALL term.

提交 are accepted year-round, but anything received after the deadlines will be held for consideration in the following year's issue. 所有条目必须填写 by students enrolled for courses during the year in which they submit, or their entries 可能被取消资格. 


The 凤凰城 文学 magazine is an award-winning student publication 发表 annu所有y by 美高梅 through Student Development funds. 该出版物的特点是100% student work in the categories of 艺术, fiction, nonfiction and poetry.

学生发展: 所有 submissions to the 凤凰城 are AUTOMATICALLY entered in a CONTEST for which a $100 prize will be awarded to the best entry in each of the following four categories: Nonfiction, 小说, 诗歌, and Art.

NOTE: All 发表 entries may also be entered in additional local, state, and national contests as selected by the 凤凰城 advisers. Winners will be notified by email and/or 普通邮件.

文学作品(非虚构、虚构、 & 诗)

Although the 凤凰城 accepts student 文学 submissions ALL YEAR, please be advised :

  • 诗歌 and prose entries MUST be submitted by midnight on the third Friday in October to be considered for the next issue; the official reading period for poetry and prose 从十月到十二月. Winners are chosen in January and final selections 是在二月底之前完成的吗.
  • Any poetry and prose submission in by midnight October 8, will be considered for that f所有-所有 other entries will not be considered until the following year! 例子:一个 poem submitted on October 12, 2021, will not be read for consideration until f所有 of 2022.
  • EACH poem or prose piece MUST be submitted 分别, or 可能被取消资格
  • All entries MUST be students enrolled for classes during the year in which they submit, 否则他们的参赛作品将被取消资格
文学提交 MUST be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document (with a 12-point font and double spacing), 富文本文件,或纯文本文件. 请给每件作品一个标题; remove any other 识别信息.

的指导方针 for each category are as follows

  • 小说: 最多三篇,共2000字
  • 图形小说: 总共最多6页
    • Acceptable file types for Graphic 小说 are JPG, TIFF & PDF
    • 请删除 所有 text from Graphic 小说 submissions, including 艺术ist/title information
    • All Graphic 小说 submissions must be submitted as high resolution graphic files
  • 非小说类: 最多三篇,共2000字
  • 诗歌: 3 poems max, not more than one page each


Art entries are also accepted 所有 year, but please know :

  • 艺术的提交 entered by the last Friday of the F所有 term are eligible for the January/ 2月ruary selection for the upcoming issue; 所有 submissions made after that will be considered for the following year. 例子:一件艺术品 submitted in January will not be considered until the following January!
  • Finalists may be contacted via 阿特拉斯 email by Jan./ 2月.,并需要提供 a high-resolution copy of their selected piece(s) suitable for reproduction in print OR may be asked to bring in the 艺术 to be profession所有y photographed here on West 校园.
  • Any finalist who does not respond to the email message/provide the 艺术 may not get 发表
  • All entries MUST be students enrolled for classes during the year in which they submit, 否则他们的参赛作品将被取消资格

Upload a graphic file of your 艺术 submission(s) (7 max). 每次提交都必须提交 分别. 请给每件作品一个标题. All entries must be submitted as high resolution graphic files at the following specifications:

  • JPG, TIFF, PDF文件
  • 请删除 所有 text from 艺术 submissions, including 艺术ist/title information
  • Minimum dimension of 8" on the shortest side (make sure the dpi is 300 or higher)
    * *请注意! Any entry not meeting these criteria CANNOT BE USED. 请跟.

If you need help resizing your entry to meet the DPI, please consult these resources (these links take you to an external website not affiliated with the 凤凰城 或与澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院合作):

以下格式是 不可接受的: gif, png, BMP

ALL entries are automatic所有y entered to win $100 in each of the four categories, 学生发展中心提供.


ALL entries are automatic所有y entered to win $100 in each of the four categories, 学生发展中心提供.

没有被选中的任何条目 凤凰城 may be used elsewhere; see 有关更多信息,请参阅FAQ.

All cash winners All cash winners will be posted to our Engage Page (link) each January. 获奖者还将收到一封电子邮件. All checks will be mailed to the address each 阿特拉斯的学生.

问题? 请参阅常见问题解答


This video is for instructional use to help students understand better how to get their own creative nonfiction pieces 发表 in the 凤凰城. If any 美高梅 instructor would like a copy of the student pieces discussed in the video roundtable to use in class, please email Jackie Zuromski at jzuromski1@celdas.net and she will send the document to a professor with a Valencia email account.