
美高梅's School of 公共安全 provides you 的 education 和 training you need to start a rewarding career in law enforcement, corrections, or firefighting. 


Law Enforcement, 狱警, 和 Crossover (CO to LEO)

1. 参加简介会


  • Attire: Business casual attire required (No Jeans, T-shirts, Shorts 和/or Sneakers). C和idates will be refused entrance to information session if inappropriately dressed. Please wear dress slacks or skirts, button-down shirts or blouse.
  • Location: School of 公共安全 Auditorium, 8600 美高梅 Lane, Orl和o, FL 32825
  • 入住时间为下午1:00至1:55. 会议于下午二时准时开始.m. 如果你到了 2:00p后.m.否则,你将不被允许进入. 
  • If you have already taken 的 CJBAT or meet 的 CJBAT exemption requirement (see note below) before attending 的 information session, please bring a copy of 的 PASSING CJBAT test score or 的 documents for exemption to 的 information session.

2. Take 的 刑事司法 Basic Abilities Test (CJBAT) unless o的rwise exempt 由 刑事司法标准及训练委员会 根据 第943节.17, F.S.

  • The CJBAT is an FDLE required test 和 students must have a ‘PASS’ result to continue 在申请过程中. 报名考试时,请选择正确的 你将要申请的学院的BAT.

    • 执法学院:CJBATLEO
    • 惩教学院:CJBATCO

  • Test results are available immediately after 的 test has been completed.
  • CJBAT自生效之日起有效期为4年.

For more information about 的 CJBAT 和 how to register, please visit: http://home.pearsonvue.com/fdle

***Please note, if you have an associates degree or higher, 和/or are a veteran of 的 U.S. military, you are exempt from taking 的 CJBAT for Law Enforcement (ONLY). 你 必须提供下列资料以符合豁免规定:

  • 的副本 这两个 大学学历(文凭) an unofficial copy of 的 college transcripts with 的 date 的 degree was conferred.
  • Copy of Military DD214 with ONLY an honorable discharge status.

3. 提交美高梅申请

  • If you are not an active student at 美高梅, apply to 美高梅 via 的 网上入学申请.
    注意:申请类型请选择“公共安全”. 有一个35美元的申请 费.
  • 选择职业信用证书(公共安全)
  • 选择您的课程:
    • 执法人员
    • 交叉:执法纠正
    • 狱警

4. 提交一份刑事司法学院申请

  • Once 的 above steps are successfully completed, applicants will receive access to 在线CJI申请.
  • C和idates with any known arrest, or who have been cited for at least three moving traffic citations in 的 last five years must also be interviewed 由 director, 或指定学院协调员. 如需安排面试,请致电(407)582-8200. 面试时带上所有证明文件. 候选人应专业 面试时的着装.
  • When 的 online 刑事司法 application has been submitted, please contact 的 跟随项目支持专家确认提交.

  • Once all application requirements have been meet 和 approved, you will be placed 在等待下一所学校的名单上.
  • 办公地点: 美高梅 School of 公共安全, 8600 美高梅 Lane, Orl和o, FL 32825

5. 参加身体评估测试

  • When you are selected for an academy, you will receive an invitation to participate 体能评估测试(PAT).
  • Physical 评估 Tests will be administered approximately one (1) month prior to 学院的开始. The physical assessment is only valid for 的 upcoming academy 录取过程.
  • Applicants who pass 的 test will be offered a seat in 的 upcoming academy 和 will receive instruction for 的 next steps to prepare for 的 academy.
  • Applicants must schedule an appointment to get fingerprinted with an assigned third 派对摊贩(80美元.00手续费).
  • Applicants who fail 的 test will remain on 的 waiting list 和 may be invited to 为以下学院重新进行身体评估.
  • All applicants must provide proof of medical insurance prior to taking 的 Physical 评估.

6. 注册和支付学费

7. 去上课


  1. Confirm eligibility for an exemption from 的 basic training requirements through 的 佛罗里达州执法部门(FDLE).
  2. 提交已批准的收据 培训等效性CJSTC表格76
    请联系Teri Scutero, tsikes@celdas.net, 参阅有关提交表格CJSTC-76的资料.
  3. 提交刑事司法同等培训申请
    Once 的 above steps are completed successfully, applicants must upload documents 在申请过程中. 在EOT项目的开始,一个指纹 将进行背景调查.
  4. Receive notification from 的 刑事司法研究所 on your application status.
  5. Register 和 complete tuition payment via a secured link by creating a new account if you have not taken any courses through 美高梅. 请注意 is 您的ATLAS登录凭证.
  6. Upon completing registration, you will receive an email with your Valencia ID# within 1个工作日. Please set up your 阿特拉斯 account, if you have not already done so at 阿特拉斯.celdas.net 点击“注册帐户”. 进入阿特拉斯后,单击courses选项卡,然后 在我的课程“画布”下访问您的课程. 如果你有任何课程访问问题, 请电子邮件 tsikes@celdas.net 
  7. 购买课本,立即开始学习.
  8. 去上课

This 培训的等效性 class is not like a normal 学院类.  日程安排 has been abbreviated down so much, that it only allows for testing 和 prepping for 国家考试.  Once registered, you will have immediate access to 的 entire curriculum 研究.



1. 参加简介会


2. 提交美高梅申请

  • If you are not an active student at 美高梅, apply to 美高梅 via 的 网上入学申请.
    注意:申请类型请选择“公共安全”. 有一个35美元的申请 费.

3. Submit a 消防救援学会 消防员最低标准 Application

  • Once c和idates complete 的 above steps, 的y will receive an invitation to apply 电子邮件说明. 
  • C和idates with any known arrest, or who have been cited for at least three moving traffic citations in 的 last five years must also be interviewed 由 director, 或指定学院协调员. 如需安排面试,请致电(407)582-8223. 面试时带上所有证明文件. 候选人应穿职业装 面试过程中.
  • 必须包括紧急医疗救护的副本吗 or Paramedic certificate of completion, National Registry or state licensure
  • Must include medical exam form (DFS-K4-1022), notarized tobacco affidavit, 和 ALL 所需文件
  • Applicants must schedule an appointment to get fingerprinted with an assigned third 派对摊贩(80美元.00手续费). 

4. 收到消防救援学院的通知 of selection into an upcoming 学院类.

  • Once selected for an upcoming 学院类, you will receive an invitation to participate 参加体能测试.

5. 以体能测试为例 

  • Fit-For-Fire Physical 评估 Test will be administered approximately one (1) month 在你的学校开始之前. 评估测试只适用于 目前正在注册过程中的学院班级.
  • All applicants must provide proof of medical insurance prior to taking 的 Physical 评估.
  • All applicants will be advised of 的ir status in 的 selection process after all 申请人已完成“适合生火”评估.

6. 注册和支付学费

7. 去上课




1. 参加简介会


2. 提交美高梅申请

  • If you are not an active student at 美高梅, apply to 美高梅 via 的 网上入学申请.
    注意:申请类型请选择“公共安全”. 有一个35美元的申请 费.

3. Submit a 消防救援学会 消防科学学院轨道 Application

  • Once c和idates complete 的 above steps, 的y will receive an invitation to apply 电子邮件说明. 
  • C和idates with any known arrest, or who have been cited for at least three moving traffic citations in 的 last five years must also be interviewed 由 director, 或指定学院协调员. 如需安排面试,请致电(407)582-8230. 面试时带上所有证明文件. 候选人应专业 面试时的着装 

4. 收到消防救援学院的通知

  • If your application makes it to 的 next phase, you will receive a phone call inviting 你必须参加面试.

5. 如果被选中,注册和支付学费

6. 去上课