参加 & Withdrawing From Classes

在退课或停止上课之前,学生应该知道 关于退课的正确程序以及退课的后果 或者停止出勤. Official withdraw is the responsibility of the 学生. 问题 on Return of Title IV Funds may be addressed to 财政援助服务. 问题 请向答疑中心/第一站中心或以 一个顾问.

Return of Title IV 金融援助 Funds Policy

在大多数情况下,接受经济资助的学生退学或停止上学, be required to return a portion of financial aid received. The Higher Education Act, 于1998年10月7日重新授权并签署成为法律,确立了 第四章资金政策.

修订后的澳门美高梅网上赌场官网政策反映了2010年10月29日发布的新规定 法律07/01/2011. The concept behind the policy is that the college and the 学生 are allowed to retain only the amount of Title IV (federal) aid that is 赢得了. If 学生退学或停止上课,无论是否已经获得学分 无论学期与否,收到的部分援助都被认为是不劳而获的 must be 返回 to the Title IV programs from which it was received. 对于第四章 目的:退课日期是考勤确定的最后一次考勤日期 记录.

如果学生完成了60%的学期,就可以考虑所有的第四章资助 赢得了. However, withdrawing will affect a 学生’s satisfactory academic progress and eligibility for additional financial aid.


Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation – 一个必要的计算,以确定学生获得的援助金额,当 学生没有参加所有的日期安排完成付款期或 术语. (Student is considered to be a withdrawal, whether any credits were 完成 或不是).

Overaward [与回归第四章计算不同]-需要重新计算佩尔案 助学金和其他类型的援助类型,由于学生辍学或不参加学分 所要求的状态授予(全日制,三分之二时间,半场,少于 half-time); required at any point when information is received that changes the 学生’s 注册状态. Reduction in aid will always be required for 学生s whose status changes due to dropping classes and classes not attended.


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Clarification of New Regulations

  • 在整个学期中参加并完成至少一门课程的学生 将获得该学期的资助(在调整掉的课程或课程后) 不参加).
  • 学校必须能够证明学生确实参加了每节课,包括 any class with a failing grade. Attendance must be “academic attendance” or “attendance at an academically-related activity.” Documentation of Attendance must be made by 这所学校. A 学生’s self-certification of attendance is NOT acceptable unless supported by school’s documentation. Examples of attendance include:
    • 在课堂上,老师和学生之间有直接的互动 学生
    • Submission of an academic assignment
    • Study group assigned by 这所学校
    • Examination, interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction
    • Participation in an online discussion about academic matters
    • Initiation of contact with instructor to ask question about academic subject
    • Logging in to an on-line class does NOT count as attendance.
  • 在学期内退课的学生必须继续上课 再上一堂课或被视为退课,即使注册以后的课 从学期开始. The 学生 must – at the time of withdrawal from a part-of 学期课程,如果他们没有参加其他课程-提供书面声明 向学院表明他们打算在该学期内参加未来的课程, or the 学生 is a withdrawal; a Return to Title IV calculation must 完成. (如果学生实际上没有参加未来的课程,回到第四章的计算 is still required; withdraw date/last date of attendance dates back to originally 确认日期).


  1. Did the 学生 stop attending a class that he/she was scheduled to attend?
    • If yes, go to question 2
  2. 当学生停止参加本课程时,他/她是否继续参加 其他课程?
    • If yes, the 学生 is not a withdrawal
    • If no, go to question 3
  3. 在退学的时候,学生是否提供了预期的书面确认 attendance in a later starting, registered course within the 术语?
    • 如果没有,学生被认为是退学,并且必须计算返回标题四 完成
    • 如果是,则不需要返回标题IV计算,除非学生不参加 or quits the future part of 术语 class

记住: 重新计算因辍学或从未上过学而导致的入学状态变化的资助 classes is required before any Return to Title IV calculation is 完成.


美高梅我们的使命,促进金融知识在学生群体中,我们研究 relevant resources to share every month with our peers. Our desire is to equip our 学生s to wisely manage their moneys throughout their college experience. 我们的内容 从教育视频到应用程序和促销活动都可以帮助我们的学生省钱 金钱和时间.


The Return to Title IV Process

步骤1) 第一步是用一系列公式来确定援助的数额 返回. Following the de术语ination of the last date of attendance, 这所学校 must 计算出席的天数和学生的总天数 scheduled to complete within the 术语; weekends count and any periods of no classes which are five days in length or greater are excluded. Days attended are then divided 按学期中学生被安排完成的天数来计算百分比 完成. The percentage is multiplied by total aid for which the 学生 is eligible to de术语ine the amount of aid 赢得了 (% 完成 x total aid = 赢得了 aid). Total aid – 赢得了 aid = un赢得了 aid (aid to be 返回).

步骤2) 下一步是由学校确定总机构收费并相乘 that figure by the percentage of un赢得了 aid (100% - % 完成 = % un赢得了). It makes no difference which type of resource actually paid 这所学校 bill; the law assumes that Title IV aid goes first to pay the institutional charges. Institutional charges x % un赢得了 = amount 返回 by school.

然后,学校必须退还不劳而获的资助金额,以收到的最高金额为限, to each of the Title IV programs in the following order:

  • Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan
  • Subsidized Direct Stafford Loan
  • Federal Perkins Loan (Valencia does not participate)
  • 直接加成贷款
  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

步骤3) 然后学校用相减的方法计算出该学生应负的金额 the amount 返回 by 这所学校 from the total amount which is un赢得了. ,剩下的 amount is the 学生’s share and is allocated in the same order as above. 未获得的总金额-学校退还的金额=学生需要的金额 to return to Title IV funds.

Important Information

一旦学校确定了所欠的金额,学生将被通知 他或她所欠的. Funds that must be 返回 by the 学生 to the loan programs can be paid in accordance with normal loan repayment 术语s. 为了获得赠款 必须支付,学生应支付的金额限于 学生的原始补助金超额支付金额超过总标题的一半 IV grants funds received by the 学生. A 学生 has 45 days to make repayment and does not have to repay a grant overpayment of $50 or less. Unpaid balances will be 报告给NSLDS,国家学生贷款数据系统,并移交给美国.S. Department of Education for collection. 在多付款项得到偿还或作出令人满意的还款安排之前, 学生s will be ineligible for further Title IV aid at any institution.

This policy is separate from the institutional refund policy. 未付的到期余额 向巴伦西亚提供的资金,这些资金来自第四修正案和其他来源 of aid will be charged back to the 学生. The 学生 is also responsible for uncollected tuition to Valencia.

如果学生没有开始出席所有课程或停止出席 100%退款期限,助学金可能会减少,以反映适当的入学情况 status prior to recalculating Return of Title IV Funds.