

When traveling directly from home address to an approved location, then to your home campus, then home address at the end of the business day, how you would calculate 你的里程?

Calculate the whole leg of the trip: home address-to the location-to home campus-to 家庭住址减去你到学校的正常通勤时间.

When attending 一个会议/conference in Orange or Osceola County and assuming an Authorization for 旅游的形式 was previously submitted for the trip, do I claim my excess miles 在每日津贴券或区内旅行报告上填写?

如果支付了注册费,则  每日津贴表格 应提交应付账款. 区内的里程可以报销 按日计算表格. 如果没有支付注册费 and a $0 旅行授权书 is used, then claim the excess miles on the  里程发还表格.

Do I need to submit an 旅行授权书 to 应付账款 if I am not requesting 任何补偿或每日津贴?

No. A travel Authorization is needed if an employee is performing job-related duties 走出办公室. If the employee is requesting any type of 每日 or reimbursement, then the employee must submit an 旅行授权书 form to 应付账款. If the employee is NOT requesting any reimbursements and there is no registration fee being paid, then the 旅行授权书 is only required on a departmental 水平和应付账款不需要副本.

例外:必须有旅行授权和每日津贴 总是 be submitted to the Grants Department for Grant Funded Programs and Endowed Chair 根据奖助金指南的限制基金,不论金额.

Your "home campus" is located on West Campus and you must drive to East Campus for 一个会议. 下班后你回家. 你可以申请多少额外里程?

Add mileage from West campus to East Campus, then to your home and subtract your normal commute (example: West to East + East to Home - West to Home = Excess Miles)


There are a few ways to pay (A) Use your P-card; (B) If it is being paid by a grant do a 检查请求 and have a check cut for that vendor; or (C) Pay it yourself and 报销你的  每日津贴表格.



有几种支付(a)的方式  检查请求 to have a check mailed to the hotel prior to traveling; (B) Pay with a personal credit 卡,然后报销  每日津贴表格; or (C) Pay using a P-Card (if the holder of the P-Card is not present, they will have to fill out an authorization from the hotel prior to the date of the travel for 电荷).


There are few ways to pay (A) Use your P-Card; (B) If it is a Grant and there is no P-Card available, let 旅行 Max know and they will charge it to the college American Express; or (C) Pay with your credit card and 报销你的  每日津贴表格.


Pay with your personal credit 卡,然后报销 每日 or pay with 部门P-Card. 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院与廉价汽车租赁公司和安飞士租车公司有协议 Car Rental, so we STRONGLY recommend you use Budget or Avis for all Car Rentals to 为您节省最多的旅行费用. 如果您选择使用外部供应商,您将会 负责所有保险、服务费等.
注意: 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院不报销任何升级. 所有的升级都会被考虑 a personal expense and you are responsible for all upgrade specific charges.

Why do I have to provide repeated information if it is already included in travel 文书工作?

This information must be provided because not all reviewers, approvers, or auditors 可以访问所有系统. 信息必须提供详细,所以会 be no questions regarding whether or not the item or service is an allowable expense.


How do I determine my departure and arrival times for the Authorization For 旅行 和每日表格?

The departure time on the 旅行授权书 form should be when you plan to 离开家. If flying, you are allowed to report two hours before your departure flight time and one hour after your returning flight time on your Authorization For 旅游的形式. On 按日计算表格, you should report the ACTUAL time you left your 回家了,旅行回来了. 再说一遍,你可以报告两个小时 before your departure flight time and one hour after your returning flight time on 你的每日津贴表. 如果航班或旅行发生变化,影响您的出发 and arrival time, please attach a memo to your 每日津贴表格 notifying 应付账款 改变的原因.


只有当车辆是租来的车辆供学院使用. (如果你使用的是个人邮箱 vehicle, you are reimbursed through the per diem mileage rate) As with any P-card purchase, the gas receipt must be retained for supporting the purchase.





采购工作流程,请浏览他们的网页 http://celdas.net/employees/procurement/procurement-procedures.php

应付账款工作流程, once a PO has been created and the goods/services have been received, a vendor invoice needs to be submitted through the Team Dynamix form (link listed on AP home page) 以便处理付款. 如供应商未提供发票,请填写 提交服务证明以代替发票.

How will I know the proper account code to use when purchasing from the budget?

After receiving training, you can access this information in the account code reference 指南称  我应该使用什么GL(账户)代码.. This reference guide was developed in 2005 with descriptive explanations on the 不同的账户代码. 本指南最近于2010年4月更新. 文档 可以在上面找到吗 采购网站,系下 & 员工常见问题或在阿特拉斯页面下的财务选项卡 采购渠道. Please note that this is a general use of account codes and sometimes 有专门的账户只适用于格兰特. 如果你不确定的帐户 code to use with regards to a grant, please contact the Grants Accounting Office at 分机3305或3335. 有关使用哪个帐户代码的一般问题,请 请致电3306或3309与预算办公室联系.


 As of July 1, 2019, 美高梅 removed Petty cash as a reimbursement/payment 方法.


  • Purchasing Card — As noted in the Procurement Procedure for Commodities and Services, a Purchasing Card — also referred to as a P-card — is available to purchase many goods 以及高达999美元的服务. 这种付款方式不需要使用个人资金, and since the College’s tax exempt number is imprinted on the card underneath the 业主的名义,可以避免营业税收费.
  • Purchase Order — You may create a Standing (Open) Purchase Order — also known as a PO — which gives departments the flexibility to place orders on an as-needed basis, 一个方便的方式来订购日常用品. 请注意,检查请求作为一种形式 of payment should be used on an exception basis only when the vendor will not accept 订购单或p -卡.


服务证明书 is used to pay for services ONLY when the contractors/vendors do not provide invoices 或者在事件或服务之前需要检查. 所有其他付款应该是 与供应商发票一起处理或作为预付款.