Child Care Assistance Helps Parents Graduate Faster

Student-parents can struggle to afford child care while taking courses. 这可能会导致 少上课,放慢毕业进度,推迟开学时间 the higher-wage career they’ve worked toward. The new Child Care Access Means Parents In School (CCAMPIS) program at 美高梅 may be able to help.

澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院CCAMPIS项目与社区儿童保育合作伙伴合作 奥兰治县的学习联盟,奥西奥拉县的早期学习联盟 社区儿童协调护理(4C),为您的孩子匹配经过认证的, 优质托儿服务提供者. Our goal is to help you with the cost of child care so that you can complete your college degree.


CCAMPIS is a federal grant funded by the U.S. 教育部提供的 为需要美高梅的高质量的低收入学生家长提供经济援助 child care services during their pursuit of post-secondary education. 的目标 the CCAMPIS Program is to help student-parents:

  • 继续上课
  • 注册更高的课程负荷,以缩短获得学位所需的时间
  • 毕业时获得的学位为就业和/或转学打开了大门 to a four-year institution for continued studies

CCAMPIS mom with laptop holding child




  • 根据财政援助申请(FAFSA),有资格获得当年的佩尔助学金。
  • Enrolled in 6 or more credit hours of full-term courses towards a degree
  • 保持2分.0的绩点
  • Be a resident of Orange or Osceola County

Student-parents in the CCAMPIS Program must meet the requirements below:

  • 参加校园迎新活动
  • 与美高梅辅导员会面,完成个性化的支持计划
  • Complete online pre- and post-award surveys



应用程序 window for CCAMPIS is now closed for the Fall 2024 term. 应用程序 for Spring 2025 child care assistance will open on December 11, 2024.



提交一个 CCAMPIS应用程序 to be considered for program participation.

Step Two: Referral to our 社区托儿伙伴

如果符合CCAMPIS的资格标准,将被转介给我们的社区儿童 照顾合作伙伴进行审查. Once the referral is sent for processing, an 招生 专家将与您联系,完成筛选,并建立一个在线门户网站 注册文件.

Step Three: Selecting an Accredited Child Care Provider

如果CCAMPIS是您需要的最佳资源,您将选择一个认证的孩子 由您的注册专家提供的经批准的地点列表中的护理提供者. 注册专家将与您和托儿中心一起完成注册 招生.


一旦选择了托儿服务提供者,招生专家将通知您 of your financial responsibility, which is based on a sliding fee scale. 的CCAMPIS 凭证 will cover a portion of your child care costs. 你将支付儿童保育费用 以及任何其他超过代金券金额的费用直接支付给儿童保育机构 设施.





    莫妮卡Potts has served as the CCAMPIS Project Director since April 2023. 作为她职责的一部分, 她负责项目规划, 执行, 和管理, focusing on supporting program participants' success. 以B开头.S. 在心理学和硕士学位.S.W. from the University of Central Florida, 莫妮卡从家庭暴力中获得了丰富的经验, 修正, 医疗保健, 以及门诊心理健康部门. 最近, she spent five years as a Clinical Coordinator at UCF RESTORES, 拨款资助的研究性诊所, offering targeted clinical support to first responders, 退伍军人, 大规模枪击事件的幸存者, and student survivors of diverse traumas. 在她的角色中, 她渴望开发一个可持续的项目,支持澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学生家长的学业成功.


    Early Learning Coalition of Orange County

    ELC-Orange致力于为奥兰治县的儿童提供平等的教育机会 早期教育项目. By connecting families and preschool programs to their 通过资源网络,ELC-Orange能够培育每一个孩子的成功 early learning and quality child care opportunities.

    Early Learning Coalition of Osceola County

    通过实施和监督学校准备和VPK计划,elc -奥西奥拉 旨在增加有意义的学习机会,支持整体 developmental needs of young children located in Osceola County.

    Community Coordinated Care for Children

    4C致力于提供平等的高质量早期学习和干预机会 促进中部地区儿童学业成功和终身学习的项目 佛罗里达社区.


    1. How do I enroll in the CCAMPIS Program?
    您首先需要在开放注册期间完成CCAMPIS申请 期. Submission of the online application alone does not qualify you for 招生. 申请将被审查,符合条件的申请人将获得他们的信息 转发给适当的社区儿童保育合作伙伴进行审查和登记.

    2. What happens after I submit my application?
    一旦你的申请被CCAMPIS团队认为符合条件,就会发送推荐信 to one of our community care partners, depending on your 县 of residence. 一个注册 他们机构的专家将在收到后的三个工作日内与您联系 the referral to start the child care 招生 process. 注意那些来自未知号码的电话和/或短信,因为你只有10个 calendar days to complete the 招生 process before the referral expires.

    3. What documentation will be required to apply for the CCAMPIS Program?

    您需要填写一份CCAMPIS申请表和学生-家长协议 被考虑参加这个项目. Once your application is approved and sent to the 社区托儿合作伙伴报名时,需要您提交支持材料 文件可能包括:

    • 所有儿童的出生证明
    • Proof of legal guardianship, as applicable
    • 薪水单
    • 其他收入文件(如.g., child support, alimony, unemployment, etc.)
    • 居住证明(e).g.、租客协议、水电费帐单等.)

    4. 在注册期间,我是否会被筛选其他可用的儿童保育计划 process?
    是的. Our goal is to make sure you receive the most affordable, quality child care 这是可行的. For this reason, the representative that calls you from the community 儿童保育合作伙伴将筛选您是否有资格参加其他儿童保育计划 县. If another program covers more child care costs than the CCAMPIS Program can offer, you will be enrolled in that community-based program.

    5. How am I placed with a child care center?
    社区儿童保育合作伙伴会给你一份经过认证的儿童保育中心名单. 使用该列表,您将选择最适合您的财务状况的托儿服务提供者, 地理和儿童保育需求. It is important to note, you will be required to select a child care provider that is accredited. 社区托儿服务提供者 will verify the child care provider’s accreditation status.

    6. 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院或社区儿童保育合作伙伴会确保孩子的安全吗 care center I pick has space for my child?
    No. 您有责任联系托儿中心询问是否有空位 为孩子准备的插槽. 的CCAMPIS 凭证 must be used within 30 days of completing 计划注册,所以重要的是,你的孩子可以开始接受儿童保育 在这个时间范围内.

    7. Will the CCAMPIS 凭证s cover the entire cost of child care?
    No. Vouchers will cover a portion of child care, and you will be required to pay a copayment based on a sliding fee scale determined by income and household size. 你 你是否也会承担任何在camcampis之外的托儿费用 凭证. 

    8. What if I drop below 6 credit hours during my time in the program?
    We will monitor 资格 throughout the term. 如果你不再符合资格 标准,您将收到通知,您在该计划的注册将被 停止. 你 will also be provided local resources and assistance from our community 儿童保育合作伙伴寻找其他可能提供帮助的儿童保育项目. Once you meet the 资格 criteria, you will be able to reapply.

    9. I have two children in need of child care. 你能帮助我的两个孩子吗?
    根据现有的资金,我们可能能够协助照顾孩子的费用 二胎. 你 must include the information for all children requiring child 在你的申请中小心帮助. This will help the CCAMPIS team determine program 资格.

    10. Will every student that applies receive a CCAMPIS child care 凭证?
    不幸的是,资金限制不允许澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院授予儿童保育 发给每位申请人的代金券. If CCAMPIS child care 凭证s are unavailable for the 当前学期,如果你符合资格标准,你将被列入候补名单. 此外,无论您的资格状况如何,您都会收到来自CCAMPIS的电子邮件 工作人员包含联系信息的社区托儿机构在你的 县. This will allow you to reach out to the agency to explore other potential child care programs that may be available.

    11. 我是否必须注册全日制课程才有资格参加CCAMPIS项目?
    是的. 你每学期必须注册至少六个学分的全日制课程 才有资格参加这个项目. 请查看澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院 校历 if you are unsure of the term your courses follow.

    12. 如果这是我在澳门美高梅网上赌场官网的第一学期,我可以参加CCAMPIS项目吗 大学?
    No. 你 must be an established student with a GPA to participate. 在完成 your first semester at 美高梅, you may apply.

    美高梅 CCAMPIS (P335A220067) is a grant program funded by the U.S. 部门 of Education through a $1,364,928 award. The 部门 of Education funds support 项目总成本的100%,153,619美元是通过杠杆出资 社会资金来源.